Middle School Choir

All middle school students have the option to choose choir as an elective that meets year-round during the school day! Performances include evening concerts and several other performance opportunities such as Solo & Ensemble and High Note Festival. A detailed handbook will be provided to each choir student with more specific information at the beginning of the school year.

Choir Performance Dates

Date Grade Concert Time Location
October 22 7th & 8th 7th & 8th grade Band & Choir Showcase  7pm BHMS
December 3 5th-6th 5th & 6th Grade Band & Choir Winter Concert  7pm BHMS
December 17 7th & 8th  7th & 8th Grade Band & Choir Winter Concert 7pm BHMS
March 5 7th & 8th  MIOSM Concert 7th & 8th Grade Band & Choir  TBD TBD
March 18 5th & 6th  5th & 6th Band & Choir Concert  7pm  BHMS
May 22 5th-8th  Choir Pops Concert & Electives Expo  7pm BHMS


Did you know?

6th, 7th, and 8th grade choir students also have the opportunity to audition for an extra-curricular choir that will meet after school on Thursdays from 2:45 – 4:00 pm. The Auditioned Choir will perform at all concerts, have the opportunity to participate in the ILMEA Festival, attend a choir tour, and sing at a variety of events. This group will meet September-December. Show Choir will begin in January and will perform at the 'Pops' Concert as well as High Note Festival in May.

Choir Questions?
Contact Julie Dee at juliedee@bighollow.us