About BHMS Fine Arts Boosters

Who We Are

Big Hollow Middle School's Fine Arts Boosters is a group of parents, community volunteers and teachers who work together to support our school's Fine Arts Programs by raising money through a series of fundraisers throughout the year. This fundraising allows us to provide supplies for our arts clubs, materials for theatre and speech, and music and instruments for our choir and band programs.

Meet the Board

President – Sharon Pruski

Vice President – Jenny Sheets 

Treasurer – Rachel Meuser

Co-Treasurer – Marissa Rivera

Secretary - Heather Brook

Director of Communications - Tisha Eisenmenger

Director of Events and Volunteers - Cori Blanquel

Concessions Coordinator- Jean Hayes 

Coordinator of Band - Lea Langhoff

Coordinator of Choir - Open

Coordinator of Theatre - Open

Coordinator of Speech - Open

Members-at-Large: Marne Gehring, Josh Langhoff, Kim Johnson, Amaryah Labeff

Teacher liasions

Julie Dee (Choir), Joshua Kumpula (Band), Kori Paulson (Art) and Denise Maifield (Theater and Speech)


We meet once a month during the school year and welcome everyone to attend! Meetings are held on Tuesdays at 7:00pm in the BHMS Library.


Be A Part of the Arts!

There are many great opportunities to get involved in the Fine Arts Boosters! Learn how you can support our students and enrich their fine arts experience.